Reliable Ways To Stoke Your Motivation

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Pure Lifestyle Inc. News

Along the path to success, it can be easy to lose motivation from time to time. We aren’t immune to this around the Pure Lifestyle Inc. office, but we’ve found some effective strategies for finding motivation when we need it the most. Here are the concepts we put into action when we need a quick jolt of inspiration.

When we need to take action to seize on a great idea or gut instinct, we like to give ourselves a quick countdown and then jump to it. If we start at five and give ourselves just a few seconds to kick into gear, we typically sustain motivation. Even if all we do after the countdown is write out a plan of action, we’ve done something productive.

We also find it helpful to surround ourselves with inspiring words and images, which is why vision boards have become popular around Pure Lifestyle Inc. HQ as sources of high-visibility motivation. With affirmations, favorite quotes, and pictures of things we love to lead the way, we make progress toward our goals.

Our favorite music also powers our motivation in times of need, so we keep special playlists where we can reach them at a moment’s notice. The power of music has a significant effect on overall morale and productivity, especially when it’s a compilation of our personal favorites.

We’re using these techniques to stay on the right track to achieve our goals.